Imagine you are on a trek with friends and you had taken a wrong path to find yourself alone. Write a diary entry, in about 50-60 words, describing your experience when you were alone in the hills.

This question has already been answered in the study material. You are requested to kindly refer to it.

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Sat, 9th April 20xx

10 P.M.

Dear diary,

Today was a long, hectic and scary day. While trekking with friends, I lost my way and landed near a cave. It was a strange and creepy place. However, soon I heard voices of my friends calling my name and searching for me. Thank God, I was saved and reunited with my friends. Next time I will try not to stray away.



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Sunday, 21'st July 20xx

12:00 A.M.

Dear Diary,

Today was a verry long, heritic and scarry day , While trekking with friends, I lost my way and landed near a cave. It was a strange and creepy place. However, soon I heard voices of my friends calling my name and searching for me. Thank God, I was saved and reunited with my friends. Next time I will try not to stray away. 

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Sunday, 21'st July 20xx

12:00 A.M.

Dear Diary,

Today was a verry long, heritic and scarry day , While trekking with friends, I lost my way and landed near a cave. It was a strange and creepy place. However, soon I heard voices of my friends calling my name and searching for me. Thank God, I was saved and reunited with my friends. Next time I will try not to stray away. 

Sandeep Kumar Dash

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