In a collection of H- atoms, all the electrons jump from n = 5 to ground level finally (directly or indirectly), without emitting any line in Balmer series. The number of possible different radiation is?
With solution

Dear student
Please find the solution to the asked query:

So transitions to Balmer series are not allowed. 
Thus the available transitions are : 54, 5 3, 51 ; 43, 41; 31

So the total transitions are = 6

However if the restriction of Balmer series was not mentioned , we can calculate the total no.of spectral lines using the formula: N = n(n-1)2, where n=5
So , N = 5(5-1)2= 10 lines

Hope this information will clear your doubts regarding the topic. If you have any other doubts please ask here on the forum and our experts will try to solve them as soon as possible.


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