In a parallelogram ABCD, AP and CQ are drawn perpendicular to the diogonal BD on measuring it is found that angle PAB =65 and angleDAB =75 find the measure of angle QCD

Dear Student,

Please find below the solution to the asked query:

We form our diagram , As :

Now from angle sum property of triangle we get in triangle ABP :

PAB + APB + ABP = 180° , NOw we substitute values from above diagram we get :

65°  + 90° + ABP = 180° ,

ABP = 25°                                                        --- ( 1 )


ABP = CDQ                                              ( Alternate interior angles as AB | | CD and BD is transversal line )

From equation 1 we get :

CDQ = 25°                                                        --- ( 2 )

Now from angle sum property of triangle we get in triangle CDQ :

CDQ + CQD + QCD= 180° , Now we substitute values from above diagram and from equation 2 we get :

25°  + 90° + QCD = 180° ,

QCD = 65°                                                                       ( Ans )

Hope this information will clear your doubts about topic.

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