In a series LCR circuit XL, XC, R are the inductive reactance, capacitive reactance and resistance respectively at a certsin in frequency f. If the frequency of AC is doubled, what will be the values of reactance and resistance of the circuit?

Frquency depends on inductive reactance and capacitive reactance but independent of resistance....

hope this answer will help you......
  • -1
i agree with Anita
  • -2
XL=2∏f L
So, if frequency is doubled, XL is also doubled
XC = 1/​2∏f C . So ​ if frequency is doubled, ​Xis halved.
R= ρl/A . So, if frequency is doubled​, there is not any effect on resistance.
  • 6
see in pradeep pge no 3/125
  • -4
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