in a street,data was collected on the size of 40 families and it is given below:
family size:0-4,4-8,8-12,12-16,16-20
number of families:8,14,12,4,2
find median and mode.

Dear Student ,
Please find below the solution to the asked query :

Here N2=402=20So , median class is 4-8l=4 , f=14 , cf=8 and h=4Median=l+N2-cff×h=4+20-814×4=4+12×414=4+3.42=7.42   ANS...Here maximum frequency is 14.So, modal class is 4-8l=4 , f1=14 , f0=8 , f2=12 and h=4 .Now,Mode=l + f1-f02f1-f0-f2×h=4+14-828-8-12×4=4+6×48=4+3=7    ANS...
Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic .
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