In a trapezium ABCD, AB is parallel to DC and L is the midpoint of BC. Through L, a line LM is drawn parallel to AD which meets AB in X and DC produced in Y. Prove that area of ABCD= area of AXYD

Dear student,


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Hmmmmmmmm xdxdxdxdxdxd
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aspki kitni clasess hoti hai
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6 classes and 1 break
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Given: ABCD is a trapezium with AB || CD

L is the mid point of BC and PQ || AD


Now, In ∆CLQ and ∆BLP

∠LCQ = ∠LBP        (∵ AB || CDQ and BC is the transversal so, alternate interior opposite angles)

CL = BL                 (∵ L is the mid point of BC)

∠CLQ = ∠BLP           (Vertically opposite angles)

So ∆CLQ ≅ ∆BLP        ( by ASA congruency criteria)

⇒ Area (∆CLQ) = Area (∆BLP)

⇒ Area (ABCLP) + Area (∆CLQ) = Area (ADCLP) + Area (∆BLP)


Hence Area (APQD) = Area (ABCD)


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bhavika ab aap hi batao ki mai kya kro....priya ne mera dimag kharab krr diya hai
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sorryy....bolne ke liye....prr aap shantanu ko pareshan kyu krr rhe hoo
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Ok Varun sorry but such kind of language is not allowed on Ask n Ans Forum na... Why don't you understand? I didn't say anything to anyone just I told bad words aren't allowed
  • -1
Varun because he is ignoring me when I reply on his post that's why. I am sorry to you but not to him.
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aap shantanu ko kyu pareshan krr rhe hoo
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