in a trapizium ABCD AB II DC, AB= 30cm, BC= 15 cm, DC= 44cm, and AD= 13 cm. Find the area of trapezium.

Let ABCD be the trapezium.

Let us draw a line segment BE parallel to AD.

∴ BE = AD = 13 cm, DE = 30 cm and EC = 14 cm

To find the area of ΔBEC, Heron's formula is needed to be used which you will study in class IX.

If three sides of a triangle are known then,

And a, b and c are sides of the triangle.


Area of trapezium ABCD = × Height × (Sum of parallel sides)

                                        = × 12 × (30 + 44)

                                        = × 12 × 74

                                        = 444 cm2

  • 15
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