in about 150-200 words write a short story based with title jorney of kindness

The Journey of Kindness

A narrow path led to Behram's little hut by the rocky outcrop which seemed to spring forth behind the attached cowshed. Smoke curled up into the dark evening sky as I knocked on his door. A short dark man emerged from the veiled darkness within the house, Behram, my friend whose small act of kindness many summers ago had changed my life. He smiled and shook my arm, there was that unmistakable warmth and recognition of our brief but old friendship. It had left its inedible mark on both of us. Behram's wife was resting with her newborn child so we decided to sit outside in the courtyard and reminisce about old times and long forgotten journeys. On one of those journeys, I had met Behram, he had been the man who had taken me across the Sindhu river on his boat. We crossed the river and docked on a dry bone-white shore, my ancestral family used to live in the nearby village. I had left my home and taken up travelling, traversing ancient and new lands, meeting all kinds of people, sleeping under a different roof every night. But that night I had wanted to sleep in the bed that I had left behind. Alas the fates did not deem so, much to my dismay I found out that my entire family and our ancestral house had been demolished by a flood two months ago. Not a soul was left behind. I slumped to my knees, a deep sorrow welling up in my chest and rising through the cavity in my body like a fire that was singeing my insides. I was alone, doomed to dwell with strangers for the rest of my life. I had been able to travel away from home all this time because I had known that there would always be a home to come back to. Now there was nothing, I had not even been able to say a last goodbye. As I sat slumped on that dry bone-white shore, raking the sands with my finger and howling like an inconsolable child, Behram bent down and rested his hand on my shoulder. 'Life is a journey that one must always embark upon alone. Cease my friend, life is short but make the journey worthwhile. They would have wanted nothing less from you.' It is this act of kindness, of reining back to what lay ahead that I cannot forget. I cannot forget that journey because it is those words of kindness that has made me into the world famous traveller that I am. Then he said, 'You will always have a home to come back to, my home which is yours now as well.' Tonight, I smiled to myself, I would sleep on the bed of my own home, the one that Behram had offered to me so kindly.

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