In an examination paper of 5 questions , 5 % of the candidates answered all of them and 5% answered none. Of the rest , 25% answered only 1 question and 20% answered 4 questions. If 24.5% of the entire number of candidates answered only 2 questions and 200 candidates answered only 3 questions , then find the total number of candidates who competed in the exam?   {Please don't share any weblink oe ant certified answer}  

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let 100 be the total number
5  + 5 + 1/4 * 90 + 1/5 * 90 + 49/2 
==> 10 + 45/2 + 18 + 49/2
==> (56 + 94)/2 = 150/2 = 75
So 25 remains who attend 3 questions
By the sum it is found to be 200
Hence 1/4 th equals to 200
Thus 1 stands for 800
Total number of students = 800 
All questions by 5% of 800 = 40
None by 5% of 800 = 40
Remaining = 800 - 80 = 720
One Q by 25% of 720 = 180
Four Qs by 20% of 720 = 144
Two Qs by 24.5 % of 800 = 196
Three Qs by = 200
Now let us check the total = 40 + 40 + 180 + 144 + 196 + 200 = 800 [VERIFIED]
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