In Democratic government does the government has to explain their actions ??
​answer in yes or no 

Dear Student,

 The following points may help you:

1. A democratic government is a representative, accountable and legitimate government.
2. Such a government is formed with the consent of  people and represent people's interests.
3. A Democratic government thus, is accountable and responsible for all its actions and needs to explain the same to the country at large.
4. This is done by the medium of Parliament, where Legislature keeps a check on the Executive.
5. One such method is Question hour, where ministers are bound to give explanation about the working or any other policy decision of their ministries.
6. Further, in  Democratic government media plays a very important role in creating an enlightened citizenry.
7. Government can and makes use of both print and electronic media to convey policy decisions and its justifications.
8. Media also criticised the government, seeks opinion and helps in forming public opinion.
9. Thus, a democratic government owes its legitimacy to the people and has to be open, fair and transparent in its functioning.


  • -3
yes it has to explain its actions to th people
  • 0
Yes, In a democratic country its Government has to explain all its action to the people.
  • -1
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