In figure X, Y are the mid points of sides AB and CD of a parallelogram. ABCD. AY and DX are joined intersecting at P, CX and By are joined intersecting at Q. Show that PXQY is a parallelogram.

Let us observe the following figure.

Since X is the midpoint, AX = XB, Y is the midpoint, CY = YD.

ABCD is a parallelo gram, therefore, AB = CD.

Therefore, AX = CY

Also, AB is parallel to DC.

Therefore, AX is parallel to CY

Thus, AXCY is a parallelogram.

Consequently, PY is parallel to QX.

Since X is the midpoint, AX = XB, Y is the midpoint, CY = YD.

ABCD is a parallelo gram, therefore, AB = CD.

Therefore, BX = DY

Also, AB is parallel to DC.

Therefore, BX is parallel to DY

Thus, BXDY is a parallelogram.

Consequently, PX is parallel to QY.

Thus, the arguments are,

1. PY is parallel to QX

2. PX is parallel to QY

Therefore, PXQY is a parallelogram

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