in food chain 20J is available with the hawks how much energy is available with the plants?

by 10% law,

  • 9
I think the energy with plants will be 20000 Joules by applying the 10% law..
  • 2
pants contains 20kj = 20,000j
  • 1
20,000 J due to 10% law
  • 0
and if 20J is available to the hawk not with the hawk. then how much energy is available with the plants?
  • -1
By 10% law,  Plants- 20000J, Rats- 2000J, Snakes- 200J & Hawk- 20J
  • 0
If 20J is available to the hawk that means it is 10% of the energy of the snakes.
Now let the energy of plants be x Joule
energy of rats = 10% of energy of plants
= (10× x) ÷ 100
energy of snakes = 10% of energy of rats
= (10×10× x)÷100×100
= x÷100
energy of hawk = 10% of energy of snakes
20J = (10×x)÷(100×100)
20J = x÷1000
20J × 1000 = x

energy of plants = 20000J
  • 8
thnk u.... but my doubt is 20J is available to the hawk which means that 20J is given by the snakes hence only 2J is there with the hawk.... 20J IS NOT there with the hawk. 20J is available to the hawk
  • -2
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