In how many different ways can the letters of the word "MATHEMATICS" be arranged such that consonants occur together?

Dear Student,
Please find below the solution to the asked query:

We have MATHEMATICSWe have 2 A's, 1 C,1 E, 1 H,1I, 2 M's, 1 S,2T's=11 lettersOut of total arrangents we will have to divide arrangements of letters which are occuring twiceto compensate for the overcounting.Total consonants=1+1+2+1+2=7We will tie 7 consonants together so that they are always together and arrange them internally.So effectively, we have 5 letters now. 4 vowels+7 consonants tied togetherNumber of arrangements=5! 7!2! 2! 2! Here 7! is for internal arrangements of consonants=5.4.3!.7.6.5!2.2.2=5.3!.7.3.5!= of arrangements=75600 Answer

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