in human alimentary canal, name the site of complete digestion of various components of food explain the process of digestion

Dear student,
Digestion in oral cavity: Teeth, tongue and saliva present in mouth serve to break the food into smaller particles to increase the surface area for better chemical digestion. Chemical digestion starts in mouth as salivary glands secrete amylase enzyme. Saliva moisten and lubricate the food. The salivary amylase digests the starch and converts it into maltose (disaccharide). 
Digestion in stomach: Stomach is site for protein digestion. Pepsin enzyme of gastric juice digests proteins into smaller peptides. HCl of gastric juice provides acidic pH and mucus protects the stomach wall against damage by HCl. Mucus also lubricates the food.
Digestion in small intestine: Small intestine is the main site for chemical digestion. Bile from liver emulsifies the large lipid globules into smaller one. Bile juice also impart alkaline pH to food as required for action of pancreatic enzymes. Small intestine gets pancreatic juice from pancreas contains enzymes like trypsin for proteins digestion and lipase for digestion of emulsified fats. Intestinal juice from small intestine convert the proteins to amino acids, complex carbohydrates into glucose and fats into fatty acids and glycerol.
The digested food is absorbed by numerous finger-like projections called villi present in intestinal wall. 
The unabsorbed food enters large intestine for absorption of water. The rest of the material is removed from the body via the anus.


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complete digestion takes place in small intestine

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Small intestine is the site where complete digestion of food takes place in the alimentary canal
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# in human beings small intestine is the the site of complete digestion
# small intestine receives secretions from 2 glands namely liver and pancreas 
# liver secrets bile juice which performs the following functions:-
  @ makes the acidic food coming from the stomach alkali making it easy for the pancreatic enzymes to act on it.
  @ bile salts break down fats in the food into smaller globules making it easy for the enzymes to act on as well as digest it 
# pancreas secrets pancreatic juice which contains enzymes like pancreatic amylase for the break down of starch , trypsin for digestion of proteins amd lipids for break down of emulsified fats
# walls of the small intestine contain glands which secretes enzymes and these enzymes finally convert peptides into amino acids , maltose into glucose and emulsified fats or just fats to fatty acids and glycerol 

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refer reader ,life process , pg no 100, first three paras
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is it useful
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Answer: SMALL INTESTINE PROCESS- 1)PANCREATIC JUICE •Trypsin-converts peptones to Dipeptides •Pancreatic lipase -converts fats to fatty acids and glycerol 2)INTESTINAL JUICE •Intestinal amylase-converts starch to glucose •intestinal lipase-converts fats to fatty acids and glycerol •Protease- converts Dipeptides to amino acids
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digestion is the process in which egested food is broken down in the simple soluble sugar.comlete digestion is take place in small intestine where absorted food is mix into the blood stream by the process called Assimilation.
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the digestion is the process in which egested food is boken by the action of certain take place in small intestine where absorted food is mix into into blood stream by the process called assimilation
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in small intestine
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