In the adjoining figure, ABCD is a trapezium in which CD||AB and its diagonals intersect at O. If AO=(5x-7)cm, OC=(2x+1)cm, DO=(7x-5)cm and OB=(7x+1)cm, find the value of x.
Experts, this question is from RS Aggarwal book (Class 10 Mathematics) and the same question's solution is also given on your website. But the values of OB and OD have been interchanged in your solution so the answer is coming right. But is that the correct way to do this question?? Please give the correct solution. Please answer fast, have to give an assignment tomorrow...

Dear Student,
In the adjoining figure, ABCD is a trapezium, in which BC || AD and its diagonals intersect at O. If AO = (5x-7) cm; OC=(2x+1) cm; DO = (7x-5) cm and OB=(7x+1) cm, find the value of x.

Here is the answer.

We know that diagonals of a trapezium divide each other proportionally.So, AOOC = DOOB5x-72x+1 = 7x-57x+135x2-49x+5x-7 = 14x2+7x-10x-521x2-41x-2 = 021x2-42x + x - 2 = 021xx-2 + 1x-2 = 021x + 1x-2 = 0x-2 = 0  or  21x+1 = 0x = 2   or  x = -121 rejected

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