In the figure given below calculate the area of the shaded region correct to two decimal places:


Dear Student,
Here is the solution of your asked query:
Diagonal of the rectangle acts as the diameter of circle.And diagonal = 52+122=25+144=169=13 So the diameter of circle=13cmThen, its radius=132 cmSo, area of circle=πr2=227×132×132=132.78 cm2And area of rectangle=5×12=60 cm2So area of shaded region=area of circle-area of rectangle=132.78 cm2-60 cm2=72.78 cm2

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Angle subtended by a diameter to a point on the circumference is 90 degrees
thus the diagonals of the rectangle are the diameters

thus diameter^2 = 12^2 + 5^2 sq cm
diameter^2 = 169 sq cm
diameter = 13 cm
radius = 13/2 cm
Shaded area = area of circle - area of inner rectangle
pi * (13/2)^2 - 12*5  sq cm
= 3.1415* (13/2)^2 - 60 sq cm
= 72.728 sq cm
  • 2
even i wanna know
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