In the last month petrol prices have increased by Rs. 5 per litre. Average monthly distance covered by Yamin's car is 600 km. If the car consumes 10 litre per 120 km, by how much Yamin's monthly expense has increased.

Note: Iknow he use average 50 litre petrol per month and his expense is Rs. 250. But im confused is cost per litre Rs.5 or cost per litre is x+5 ?

Thank you

Dear Student,

Please find below the solution to the asked query:

We are given that,average monthly distance covered by Yamini's car = 600 kmIt is also given that, Yamini's car consumes 10 litre petrol for covering 120 km.So, quantity of petrol consumed for covering 120 km = 10 litrequantity of petrol consumed for covering 1 km = 10120 litre = 112 litreQuantity of petrol consumed for covering 600 km = 112×600 = 50 litre.

Now, increase in the price of 1 litre petrol = Rs 5Since Yamini's car consumes 50 litres petrol in one month, soIncrease in the price of 50 litres petrol = Rs 5 × 50 = Rs 250Hence, we can say that, Yamini's monthly expenses has increased by Rs 250.

Hope this information will clear your doubt about this topic.

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