In what state did andrew find the new born baby? what did he do to save the child?

The baby was born quite lifeless. Even the mid-wife asked Andrew to let go off his attempts to resuscitate the child as it was a still-born. However, Andrew consistently attempted to bring the child to life. After treating the mother, he put all his attention towards the child. Seeing the condition of the child, he remembered a similar case he had worked on in the past. He asked the nurse to bring cold and hot water meanwhile putting to trial a special method of respiration. When the basins arrived, he started dipping the child in cold water and hot water, one after the other hoping to bring the child to life through sensation, but in vain. After spending half an hour thus, he tried rubbing the baby with a rough towel and finally, crushing and releasing the little chest with both his hands. Soon, the baby responded at which Andrew continued his act more fervently which finally brought the baby to life as it started breathing.

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