India enters the year leading to 73rd anniversary of the Republic and 75th year of Independence, it is
propitious to hail the Parliament as the fulcrum of the Republic upholding the principles and ideals of the
Constitution including Unity, Integrity, and Sovereignty. It resonates with the spirit of Article 1 of the
Constitution that proclaims "India that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States." The Parliament, over the years,
has successfully upheld unity amidst diversity and has strengthened democracy in the country
As we introspect and assess its achievements and failures, it is worthwhile to remember the words of
former British Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden in 1954, "...the Indian venture is not a pale imitation of
our practice at home, but a magnified and multiplied reproduction on a scale we have never dreamt of. If
it succeeds, its influence on Asia is incalculable for good. Whatever the outcome, we must honour those
who attempted it..."
When India liberated herself from the yoke of colonialism after the epic freedom struggle, the challenge
before the nation was how to put in place a system of governance taking into account the vastness of the

country and its corresponding economic, social, cultural, and linguistic plurality and diversity and socio-
economic backwardness. Many who subscribed to the imperatives of economic and educational

advancement as the prerequisite of a liberal democratic edifice expressed their apprehension if the
Westminster model, borrowed from abroad, would be efficient if applied on the native soil. But sooner
than later, the teeming millions of the electorate who were otherwise illiterate and uneducated proved the
prophecies of doom wrong by their robust and earthy common-sense. Nothing more can prove better the
resilience of the pulsating democratic and parliamentary polity than the regular and periodic elections to
the representative institutions from the Panchayat to the Parliament, the vibrant press, the civil society,
and the vigilant judiciary.

(b) Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words.
please help me 

a)                 Parliament: Fulcrum of the Republic
1. Present Scenario
    1.1 India enters the year leading to 73rd anniversary of the Republic and 75th year of Independence.
    1.2  it is propitious to hail the Parliament as the fulcrum of the Rpblc upholding the principles and ideals of the Constitution including Unity, Integrity, and Sovereignty.
    1.3. It resonates with the sprt of Article 1 of the Constn that proclaims "India that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States." The Parliament, over the years, has successfully upheld unity amidst diversity and has strengthened demcrcy in the country.
 2. Challenges faced by India after Independence
     2.1. how to put in place a systm of governance taking into accnt the vastness of the country and its corresponding economic, social, cultural, and linguistic plurality and diversity and socio-economic backwardness. 
3. Polity
    3.1 pulsating democratic and prliamntry polity than the regular and periodic elections to the representative institutions from the Panchayat to the Prlmnt, the vibrant press, the civil society, and the vigilant judiciary.

b) India enters the year leading to 73rd anniversary of the Republic and 75th year of Independence, it is propitious to hail the Parliament as the fulcrum of the Republic upholding the principles and ideals of the Constitution including Unity, Integrity, and Sovereignty. When India liberated herself from the yoke of colonialism after the epic freedom struggle, the challenge before the nation was how to put in place a system of governance taking into account the vastness of the country and its corresponding economic, social, cultural, and linguistic plurality and diversity and socio-economic backwardness. Nothing more can prove better the resilience of the pulsating democratic and parliamentary polity than the regular and periodic elections to the representative institutions from the Panchayat to the Parliament, the vibrant press, the civil society, and the vigilant judiciary.

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