Ishaan walking in a narrow Lane takes 5 steps forward and three steps backward each step of one metre long, per second and so on . Determine how long he will take to reach his playground 15 away from the starting point. Plz ans

Dear Student,

Since Ishan takes 5 steps forward and 3 steps backwards, per second; the net steps he takes are 2 steps forward.
Now, each step is 1 metre long, so net distance travelled per second = 2 metres
Distance between the starting point and the playground= 15 metres 
So, the minimum steps he needs to take= 15/2= 7.5 steps which is equivalent to 7.5 metres 
He takes 2 steps in 1 second
He takes 1 step in 1/2 = 0.5 seconds
He takes 7.5 steps in 7.5*0.5 = 3.75 seconds.


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