It is understandable that wastes from houses and industries cause water pollution. But how can fertilizers, which are such useful compounds, cause water pollution

Farming operations can contribute to nutrient pollution when not properly managed. Fertilizers and animal manure, which are both rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, are the primary sources of nutrient pollution from agricultural sources. Excess nutrients can impact water quality when it rains or when water and soil containing nitrogen and phosphorus wash into nearby waters or leach into ground waters.
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Farmers use excessive amount of pesticides and fertilizers to increase crop production. These chemicals get carried away to the water bodies due to rain and floods which leads to pollution of water.
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It is correct that wastes from factories and houses do pollute water bodies. It is also compounds such as pesticides and fertilizers that have the tendency to pollute water. Fertilizers are actually chemicals and we know that when such hazardous substances come in contact with water they pollute it, hence pesticides and fertilizers are hazardous in nature. They can be replaced with organic substances such as manure etc.
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Pesticides that get applied to farm fields and roadsides?and homeowners? lawns?run off into local streams and rivers or drain down into groundwater, contaminating the fresh water that fish swim in and the water we humans drink. It?s tempting to think this is mostly a farming problem, but on a square-foot basis, homeowners apply even more chemicals to their lawns than farmers do to their fields! Still, farming is a big contributor to this problem. In the midwestern United States, a region that is highly dependent on groundwater, water utilities spend $400 million each year to treat water for just one chemical?the pesticide Atrazine
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