Jagan has two mango trees in the backyard ?of his house, which yielded fruits for the first time during this summer. ?The fruits were small, fibrous and not so sweet. ?In the next house, where his friend Ajay livers, there is a mango tree, which yields fruits that are fleshy/juicy, very sweet and bigger in size. ?Ajay, a student of B.sc. (Botany) comes out with an idea and takes some branches from the jagan's garden to his garden and explains the procedure.(a) What method do you think Ajay has suggested for getting good quality fruits, on the trees of Jagan's house in a short period of time, i.e. during the next season?(b) Describe how it is carried out to help japan.(c) What are its advantages over growing a mango tree with the seeds obtained from Ajay's garden?(d) Mention the values expressed by Ajay in this case.

Dear student,
Please find below the answer:

a. Ajay has suggested the method of grafting for getting good quality fruits, on the trees of Jagan's house in a short period of time, i.e. during the next season.

b. Grafting refers to the process of artificial vegetative propagation in plants in which a stem cutting from the desired plant (scion) is inserted in a rooted plant (stock), which is improved in characteristics. Grafting is used to improve a variety of plants such as sugarcane, mango, apple, etc. It will help Jagan in growing the mangoes at a faster rate with improved fruit quality. 

c. Advantages of grafting over growing mango with seeds are as follows:
  • Grafting is a cheaper & easier method. 
  • The characters of the parent plant are preserved properly. 
  • Grafting helps to improve the variety.
  • Plants require less time to grow.
  • Better quality of the plants can be maintained
d. Values expressed by Ajay in this case- Kind, Generous, Giving, etc.

Hope this clears your doubt.

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