Join the following sentences without using and, but or so
1. He has not done his homework. I am sure of it.
2. Raman went to the USA to study law. His sister also went to the USA to study law.
​3. A man was drowning. He shouted for help.
4. He makes a wish. It is immediately fulfilled.

  1. He has not done his homework and I am sure of it.
  2. Ram and his sister went to USA to study law.
  3. A man was drowning, so he shouted for help.
  4. He makes a wish and it is immediately fulfilled.

  • -3
2- Raman ​and his sister went to the U. S. A. to study law.
3- A man was drowning and so he shouted for help​./ A man was drowning, so ​he shouted for help​.
​4- He makes a wish and it is immediately fulfilled.
  • -3
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