Kindly write the following -
Write about the 4 stages of life.

Dear student,

Please find below the solution to the asked query.

Brahmacharya- Brahmacharya represent the stage of student life .In this stage student went to gurukul to acquire knowledge of philosophy,science,Logic etc.
Grihastha-This stage is related to married life of a person.The person have to perform the duties to maintain household,raise their family,educating their children.

Vanprastha-This is a retirement stage of a person.In this stage a person handed over all the responsibilities to the next generation.This stage laid great emphasis on Moksha.

Sanyasa-In this stage of life Their is an end of material desire and prejudices of a person.The person in this stage focused on moksha and peace and leads a simple spiritual life.

Hope this information will clear your doubt.


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The 4 stages of life..
Human life is believed to comprise four stages. These are called "ashramas" and every person should ideally go through each of these stages: The First Ashrama: "Brahmacharya" or the Student Stage. The Second Ashrama: "Grihastha" or the Householder Stage.
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