L = Angle

1. ABCD is a IIgm in which LADC = 75 and side AB is produced to E and LC = X and LCBE = Y . Find (X + Y).

2. ABCis a triangle in which L is the Mid point of AB and N is the point on AC such that AN = 2CN . Aline through L parallel to BN meets AC at M. Prove that AM = CN

3. the probability of guessing the correct answer to a certain question is x / 2 . If the probability of not guessing the correct answer is 2/3 . then find the value of X.


Since ABCD is a parallelogramHence opposite angles are equal ADC =ABC =75°Now ABC+CBE =180°(linear pair of angles are supplementary)75°+y =180°y=105°Now in gm ABCD DAB =DCB=x(opposite angles of a parallelogram)Now sum of interior angles of a gm =360°ADC+DCB+CBA+BAD=360°75°+x+75°+x=360°2x+150°=360°x=105°x+y =105°+105°=210°


Given  ABC is a triangle .L is the midpoint of AB. AN =2CN
To prove  AM = CN

In  ABN, we haveLMBN  and L is the midpoint of AB .Hence M is the midpoint of AN (converse of midpoint theorem)AM=MNNow it is given  AN = 2 CNAM+MN =2CNAM+AM =2CN    2AM=2CNAM =CN  proved

Probability of guessing the correct answer = 1- Probability of not guessing the correct answerProbability of guessing the correct answer=1-23=13But in the question Probability of guessing the correct answer is given   as x2x2=13x=23


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