List every important accident with helen kelen till chapter 14

Dear Student,
There is a detailed summary of the text that is available on the Website. Kindly refer to the Website for the same. However, some of the significant details are as follows.
  • The birth of Helen Keller and her early days.
  • The illness that overtook her body.
  • The efforts from the part of her father, to help her see.
  • The meeting with Dr. Alexander Graham Bell
  • The initial attempts to communicate
  • Her childhood companions
  • The arrival of Miss Sullivan
  • Miss Sullivan's attempt to teach Helen through finger play.
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Helen attempted to write a composition of her own during her stay at Fern Quarry. Miss Sullivan's description of the late foliage plants had triggered off the memory of a story that had been read to her and which she had retained unconsciously. However, Helen thought that it had been an invention of her own and she began to write the story which she would name 'The Frost King.' The story was well appreciated by her friends and family, especially Mr.?Anagnos, who was ?delighted with it and decided to publish it in one of the Perkins Institution reports. But Helen received a rude shock when she discovered that her story was similar to 'The Frost Fairies' story written by Miss. Margaret T.?Canby?and the fact that even the language of the stories was alike came to be perceived as an act of plagiarism. Mr.?Anagnos?felt deceived and a court of investigation was convened. It was later found that the process of learning by assimilation and imitation had led to Helen unconsciously thinking that what she had been read to had become a part of her own thinking. Although it led Helen to be overly cautious with her work, it also made her wary and incapable of writing for a long time due to lack of self-confidence.
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