list two factors that helped to make magadha powerful

Two factors that made Magadha powerful were

1. It was located in the fertile Gangetic river valley. Hence, it was agriculturally rich. Magadhan rulers could, therefore, earn lots of tax revenues and raise powerful armies.

2. The network of rivers formed by the Ganga and its tributaries facilitated trade which contributed to the prosperity of Magadha.

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The Magadha Empire was the most powerful Kingdom in Ancient India. It had powerful kings like Bimbisara, Ajatasatru, Dhana Nanda, Chandragupta Maurya, etc.

This rise of Magadha Imperialism is unique in Indian history. The political history of India from the earliest times till the present day is an endless story of struggle between the forces of concentration and decentralization.

In the sixth century B.C., India obtainable the chronic symptom of disintegration. The Aryan India in the North was divided into, sixteen countless kingdoms and a number of republican, autonomous states.

Out of the mix of political atoms, four empires viz., Avanti, Vatsa, Kosala and Magadha, Magadha Empire rose into prominence by aggrandizing upon other weaker states. They entered into a four-power battle for imperial reign which ended in the ultimate victory of Magadha Kingdom over them. It is the first successful attempt for grand and dynastic unification of India in the period of recorded history.

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because of its army force and with the help of chanakya
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Magadha  was drained with the river of ganga so the soil was very fertile and agriculture flourished. Magadha was rich in iron ore and timber so it had many weapons  and elephants to wage a war.
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