List two reasons why building brands is central to advertising?

  1. Branding not only differentiates the product from other products but also plays a significant role in convincing the people to buy the product.
  2. The task of creating a brand does not stop at giving the product a special name. The advertisers begin claiming certain special values for their brand. In this way, they try to differentiate it from other similar products.

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why  is building brands is central to advertising ?

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why building brands is central to advertising

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because it is one of the ways in which media earns money.

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main reason is for marketing nd popularising thier brand.

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Building Brands is central to advertising due to the following reasons:1. Doing so ensures loyalty of the customers, something which they attach their trust to.2. Not only the brand becomes popular, also the profits so obtained eventually increase the company's standing in the market.

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