Long answer type question

Long answer type question questions long finsujü-ou"tions in about SO•lOa words each was '"rs_ Packletide•s oleasure and intention that she should shoot a fortfun:md- shouh! be totally banned. Write a letter to your friend wha loves to do fishing "d bird hunting fun only "iqhlight the ;dight of poor birds and animals zhich are not allowed to li' peacefullyieven.in 'The prospec: of eaming the ihousand tupees had stimulated the sporting and cpmmercial instinct of the exploi:ation of killing animals is a brutal act of violence. h has resülted in the.gradual ("Sapperance of some species. Write a short speech highlghting the importance c' animals and what We do them.

Dear student,
Such questions are meant to test your writing skills and should be attempted on your own. However, these points might help you elaborate:
Please refer to the Meritnation website for the format of an informal letter.

Hope you are doing well.
- I received your letter in which you have described in detail your bird hunting escapades.
- Since time immemorial, man has indulged in killing birds and animals as a leisure activity.
- You must realise that animals and birds too are living beings and have the right to live as much as we do!
- Mrs Packletide felt no qualms in killing a tiger to get fame.
- But, this is a senseless act and must be banned.
- All acts of cruelty against animals should be viewed seriously and offenders should be fined or ounished heavily.
- Instead, try to keep some animals as pets: it will make you realise how adorable they are.
- Show compassion to them and befriend them.

For getting more assistance on the remaining queries we would request you to kindly ask only one single query in each thread.


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