Lord Ullin opposed his daughter`s alliance with the chieftain which eventually led to an agonised and helpless father witnaessing the tragic end of his daughter. The delayed realization that dawned upon him proved futile, as `lost time never comes back`. Express your views on this universal lesson that readers learn from this ballad- 'Lord Ullin's Daughter' in about 200 words( 5 marks)

Dear student,

Such questions are made for enhancing the self creative skills and should be tried answering on your own. However, here are a few points that will help you in framing your answer:

- Often parents oppose the choices of their children.
- Sometimes these choices are made by children are made when they want to choose a life partner for themselves.
- When children face opposition from their parents regarding their life choices, children tend to take drastic measures to fulfil their desires. Sometimes these measures can proved to be fatal.
-In the poem too Lord Ullin's daughter runs away with man she loved, and because of Lord Ullin's opposition they were forced to cross the sea and unfortunately fell to their demise. 
- It is after the death of his daughter that Lord Ullin realises what a foolish mistake he has made.
- Children should realise that when they make serious decisions about their lives they should consult their parents, parents might out-rightly reject their decisions at first, but children should be patient and try to convince their parents to trust their decisions.
- Parents on the other hand, should understand that the children are old enough to choose their life partners, and parents can only guide them , but cannot enforce their decision on their children after their children reach a certain age.
You may feel free to contact us if you face any issue or difficulty while composing your answer. You can also send us your answers here for a feedback and required corrections, if any.


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Reichstag Fire
The Nazis hated the Reichstag as it was seen as a symbol of the Weimar Republic. The fire occurred just before the March 1933 election. Hitler turned this to his advantage and blamed the Communists, stating it was the beginning of an uprising. He demanded, and was given, special powers to deal with the situation. A young communist, Marinus van der Lubbe was arrested and charged with starting the fire. On the night of the Fire, 4,000 leading Communists were arrested and imprisoned, thus removing a threat. 

March 1933 Elections and the Enabling Act
In March 1933, new elections were held which gave Hitler an opportunity to establish an overall majority.  The Nazis won 288 seats but did not have an overall majority and, therefore, Hitler banned the 81 Communist deputies.  Hitler, with the support of other parties and the absence of the Communists had a two-thirds majority and brought about his first change to the Constitution by introducing the Enabling Act. With the support of the Nationalists, this gave him the overall majority.   When the Catholic Centre party was persuaded, this gave Hitler enough votes to pass the Enabling Act, which gave Hitler power to makes laws without referring to the Reichstag.

Knight of the Long Knives
A significant threat to Hitler came from within the Nazi Party. Himmler and Goering convinced Hitler that Röhm was a threat to Hitler’s power. Really they were jealous of Röhm’s power.

The Death of Hindenburg

Hindenburg died in August 1934.  This event was marked by the last two significant steps in Hitler becoming dictator of Germany.  Hitler now combined the office of Reich President and Reich Chancellor, making himself the unchallenged 'Führer' or leader of Germany.  
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