Make a project different pastorslist community in India and how there life changed in british rule

Some points which can help you in making the project:

Different pastoralist communities in India include:
  1. Gujjar
  2. Bakarwal
  3. Gaddi
  4. Banjara
  5. Raika
  6. Monpa
  7. Kumara
  8. Bhotia
  9. Golla
  10. Dhangar, etc.
The lives of the pastoralists drastically changed under the British rule due to restrictions in the grazing of cattle . Due to which some of the pastoralists reduced the number of cattle in their herds.​​​​Others discovered new pastures and grazing grounds for their cattle. Some of them began buying land, settling down and gave up with their nomadic life. Some did the odd jobs to maintain their livelihood.

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