Marks of for students in statistics are 53, 75, 42, 70 the Arithmetic mean of their marks is

Marks of for students in statistics are 53, 75, 42, 70 the Arithmetic mean of their marks is [ ASSIGNMENT CLASS - • ILS lover Omit (A) 10 { (B) 10 6. The mean Of I OO observations 50, Jf one bv 150, the resulting mean will be 50.5 7. Class a particular is 6 5 and class size 3 then (A) 5-8 (B) 6.5 - median Of the data 78, 56, 22, 34. 45. 54. 9 , 68. 54 , 84 (B) 49.5 9. Marks of four students in statistics are 53, 5, 42 , 70. The artthrnetk i (A) 42 (B) 64 (C) 60 O_ If the mean of 5, 7, 9, x is 9 then the value of x is (B) 15 (C) 18 (A) 11 16 If the median of the following data arranged in order is 18. : 16, 16+X,20, 25,30 The mean of 13 numbers is 24. If 3 is added to each of t--en (B) 24 (D) 30 (A) 21 Median of first 8 prime numbers is (C) 13 (B) 11 (A) 12 f the mean Of 10 otservations is 15, their sum is (C) 75 (D) 150 (B) 15 1.5 wo consecutive class marks of a distribution are 52 and 57. thren t--.e •üe ) 2.5 e A.M. ofa +2, a. 2 —ais (C) 54.5 width of the rectangle in a histog-am represents class interval (B) mid values (C) range observation which occus more frequently in a data is caiied (C) rnode (B) median n easure of central tendency which is effected by the extrenu values data (B) mode

Dear Student
 Arithmetic mean, X¯ = 53 + 75 + 42 + 704 = 2404 = 60

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