menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle in a human female after puberty.

The ovary releases one egg every month.

The uterus also prepares itself every month to receive a fertilized egg.

The inner uterus lining becomes thick and is supplied with blood to nourish the embryo.

If the egg is not fertilized, then the uterus lining gets breaks down and is released in the form of blood and mucous through the vagina.

This process lasts for 2-8 days. This cycle occurs every month and is known as menstruation .

This cycle is normally of 28 days but it varies from woman to woman.

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Menstrual cycleis the cycle of changes that occurs in theuterusandovaryfor the purpose ofsexual reproduction.It is essential for the production of eggs and for the preparation of the uterus for pregnancy.The menstrual cycle occurs only in fertile female humans and other female primates.

thumbs up please :)

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In females, the reproductive phase starts at ages 10 12 and lasts till ages 45 50. During this period, a mature egg or an ovum is released once in a period of 28 30 days by each ovary alternatively. The uterus also undergoes changes during this period. The wall of the uterus becomes thick, so that the developing embryo can attach itself to the uterus. If the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus, pregnancy occurs.

The ovum remains available for fertilization only for a single day. When fertilization does not take place, the ovum and the thickened lining of the uterus are shed off along with the blood vessels. This leads to the process of bleeding in woman, which is known asmenstruation.

Hope it helps you

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