Mention the end products of respiration.

The end products of Aerobic respiration are CO2 and HO2 and Anaerobic respiration can be latic acid or CO2 and Alcohol.
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In aerobic respiration, the products formed are: energy,CO2,and H20. In anaerobic respiration, the products formed are: energy, CO2, and lactic acid or alcohol( in yeast, alcahols are prodeced in anaerobic respiration, and in humans, lactic acid is formed in anaerobic respiratio).
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Carbon dioxide, water vapour and energy
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In aerobic respiration, the products formed are: energy,CO2,and H20. In anaerobic respiration, the products formed are: energy, CO2, and lactic acid or alcohol( in yeast, alcahols are prodeced in anaerobic respiration, and in humans, lactic acid is formed in anaerobic respiration).
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In Aerobic respiration the end products are -
Energy + Carbon dioxide (CO2) + Water (H2O)

In Anaerobic respiration (in yeast) the end products are -
Energy +Carbon dioxide (CO2) + Alcohol

In Anaerobic respiration (in muscles) the end products are -
Energy + Carbon dioxide (CO2) + Lactic Acid
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In Aerobic respiration the end products are -Energy + Carbon?dioxide (CO2) + Water (H2O) In Anaerobic respiration (in yeast) the end products are -
Energy +Carbon dioxide (CO2) + Alcohol In Anaerobic respiration (in muscles) the end products are -
Energy + Carbon dioxide (CO2) + Lactic Acid
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Mention the end products of respiration.
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