mention three aspects of maintaining livestock . kindly answer fast

Dear student,
The maintenance and management of animal livestock in a scientific way is called animal husbandry. 
The three aspects of maintaining and managing the livestock - 
1)Feeding - Feeding of livestock should full fill both the maintenance and milk producing requirement so that our livestock could produce quantitative milk along with their healthy life.
Their feed includes - roughage, which is a fibrous fodder and concentrates, which contains a lot of proteins, nutrients and relatively small amount of fibre.
2) Cleaning -  Cleaning of their shelter is required for the better health of the animal so that they would be able to produce clean milk. Cleaning of their body such as brushing is necessary.the shelter in which they are inhabited should be well ventilated, heat and cold resistant, dried floor.
3) - Disease control - Cattle may suffer from a various disease with time.  A diseased animal leads to the reduction of their milk production and in severity, it may cause their death also. So the livestock should be protected from disease causing organism which may be external or internal to their body. Regular check up for their health should be done. Vaccination against bacterial and viral disease should be given.


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