Mr Hall is a carefree man as he has a typical working life partner in Mrs Hall such persons are found in every society give a peep into both their characters.

Dear Student.

Mrs. Hall owns the inn and also calls the tune to which Mr Hall dances. She is a dominating wife who tells her husband to mind his own business and not to interfere in the matters of the inn. She seems to be a very capable woman who can handle difficult situations. But when she is confronted by the invisible man she loses her nerve. Mrs Hall is respected in the village of Iping.  

George Hall or Mr Hall was the husband of Mrs Hall and drove the Iping conveyance. He was a drunkard and his wife managed the inn on her own. He believed in others quite easily and when Mr Teddy Henfrey told him about Griffin, he at once formed the perception that something unusual was up. He has an investigative side too.  

We hope that this answer solves your query.

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