Muscle tissues have more mitochondria. Justify

Dear student.

Cells that are more active, needs more ATP and we know that mitochondria are the energy factories of the cells, as they help in the production of ATP. Muscle cell remains mostly active due to movement and other physical work, as a result of which they are in constant need of energy. This is why muscle tissue bears more mitochondria.


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Because they need a continuous supply of ATP in big amount. If the number of mitochondria is small them the muscles will not function and the body will suffer.
Even when we do not move our muscles keep contracting and relaxing to give us posture, and the heart muscle never stops working.
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Mitochondria are the energy factories for all cells. ATP synthesis occurs in them by ADP and Pyruvate synthesising to create ATP, which is energy. Muscle cells work hard and therfore require a lot of energy thus they contain more mitochondria to produce a high level of ATP. 
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muscle work hard so to gain that energy they have more mitrochondria 
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