name any 2 protein digesting enzymes and discuss their action in terms of medium and the products

name any 2 protein digesting enzymes and discuss their action in terms of medium and the products a 'e a chart on any one or the following topics: I Haemodyalisis 2. Blood groups depicting who donates whom 3. Schematic representation of transport and exchange of oxygen and carbon dl •4 Movement of water during transpiration in a tree Answer the following questions in two or three sentences: VVhat IS common for cuscuta , ticks and leeches? Why and how does water enter continuously into the xylem? Why do vems have thin walls as compared to arteries? 60 4 Name any two proein digesting enzymes and discuss their action in terms Ki-medium and the products Transpratim is a necessary evil Justify it In order to make food, antotrophs require COZ and Nz Where do they obtain these - Point out the difference between an artery and vein in terms of nature and blM'd ExpJam the staement. Bile does not contam any amzyme but it is essential for digestion Dßcribe an activity to show that ch'orophyll is essential for photosynthes.;v Why E circu&tion of blood in humans known as doubE circulauonn C 2 ver the details:

Dear student

Pepsin and Trypsin are two protein digesting enzymes. Please refer the link below:-

Digestion of protein starts in stomach with the help of enzyme pepsin. Pespin is secreted in inactive form pepsinogen which in the acidic medium of stomach turns into pepsin and breaks the protein into smaller molecules called as peptones.
Major part of protein digestion takes place in small intestine. Trypsin is secreted by pancreas in inactive form known as trypsinogen. Trypsinogen is converted into trypsin in small intestine. It works in alkaline medium and breaks peptones into smaller peptides/ polypeptides.


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