Name some cases where equal treatment freedom security and respect for others is more important than income

Dear Student,

a. Money may help an individual to get his basic necessities fulfilled but may not be able to give him emotional, social and Psychological contentment.
b. There are other factors that account's for person's growth and development other than money.
c. Such factors allows for the complete development of individual's personality.
d. Non material things are important to lead a dignified life.
e. Non material aspects like respect, equal treatment, no discrimination are important to lead a quality life.
f. A sense of security , self esteem, are all essential goals of life which are required to fulfil individuals Psychological needs
g.. For example, a good job, with high pay package but no time for family, not a healthy work environment really hamper one's progress and development in life. A job must offer a balance between personal and professional growth.
h. Similarly, we may give example of a person who is a Schedule caste who constantly struggles to get that respect from the society members.
i. Likewise, women who become victims of society's prejudiced attitude and are discriminated , want to be treated with respect and dignity
j. ​
Gender prejudices which is a socially constructed term and that sought to create artificial division in the society between men and women. It gets reflected in the sexual division of work and in the society’s mind set. It also establishes the notion of patriarchy and establishes male domination as natural and inevitable.
k. Women thus, demand not to be treated as unequal creatures and demand respect for their very identity.


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