Name the following:

Dear student, (d) Three main parts of our urinary systems are urinary bladder, ureters, and urethra. (e) Six main parts of nephron are Bowman's capsule, Glomerulus, Collecting duct, loop of Henle, proximal convulated tubule, distal convulated tubule. (f) Three stages of urine formation- The three stages in the urine formation are as follows: 1) Glomerular filtration: The first step in urine formation is filtration. This process occurs in the renal corpuscles. When the blood passes through the glomeruli, its fluid containing both useful and waste materials is soaked from the blood through the process of osmosis and diffusion where it is then filtered and passed on to the bowman’s capsule. It involves the transfer of water, salts and wastes from the blood into the glomerulus. 2) Tubular reabsorption This stage involves the absorption of various useful ions, molecules and water from the glomerular filtrate and transporting the remains back to the blood. This is necessary to maintain homeostasis in the body. 3) Tubular secretion In this stage, the hydrogen ions, creatinine and drugs and transferred into the collecting duct from the blood. (g) Three types of fluids in different parts of nephron- Tubular fluid is the fluid in the tubules of the kidney. Cortical nephrons can be subdivided into superficial cortical nephrons and midcortical nephrons. Juxtamedullary nephrons start low in the cortex near themedulla and have a long loop of Henle, which penetrates deeply into the renal medulla: only they have their loop of Henle surrounded by the vasa recta. The other two are water and urine glomerular filtrate. Thanks and regards

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