name the four lobes present in the mid brain.

four lobes (frontal, temporal, occipital, and parietal) IN MID BRAIN---------

The frontal lobe is located at the front of the brain 

The parietal lobe is located in the middle section of the brain 

The temporal lobe is located on the bottom section of the brain.

The occipital lobe is located at the back portion of the brain

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  • The frontal lobe is located at the front of the brain and is associated with reasoning, motor skills, higher level cognition, and expressive language. This area of the brain receives information from various lobes of the brain and utilizes this information to carry out body movements. 
  • The parietal lobe is associated with processing tactile sensory information such as pressure, touch, and pain. 
  • The temporal lobe is important for interpreting sounds and the language we hear. 
  • The occipital lobe is associated with interpreting visual stimuli and information.
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@ Devanshi Modha and Vineeta......

I think in the MID BRAIN the four lobes present are the corpora quadrigemina:

consists of the superior and inferior colliculi (both are pairs of solid lobes)

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thankx vighnesh

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