name the tribes of prairies ?

Some of the tribes that lived in prairies are Blackfoot, Cree, Ojibwa, Assiniboine, Nakota etc

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Original Tribal Names of Native North American People Please note that this chart is not complete--we have included only the names of North American nations (not of every band or village within a nation), and only those nations whose original names are known. With the exception of Cree and Cherokee, American Indian languages do not have their own writing systems, so the names must be written using English characters.
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Prairies are ecosystems considered part of the temperate grasslands, savannas, and shrublands biome by ecologists, based on similar temperate climates, moderate rainfall, and a composition of grasses, herbs, and shrubs, rather than trees, as the dominant vegetation type. Temperate grassland regions include the Pampas of Argentina, southern Brazil and Uruguay as well as the steppes of Eurasia. Lands typically referred to as "prairie" tend to be in North America. The term encompasses the area referred to as the Interior Lowlands of Canada, the United States, and Mexico, which includes all of the Great Plains as well as the wetter, somewhat hillier land to the east. In the U.S., the area is constituted by most or all of the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma, and sizable parts of the states of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado.
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praries are ecosystem
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