nod of producing t alled micro-propagation Eac orignal plant from whkeh the dentic are somaclones/ app od. Try to visit a Ee ha Culture laboratory wiby ban d derstand and appreciate the process. er impo eased plants. wallan Although free the of plant vinus. is Hence, infected one can re nethc method 1s the recovery of h erant applteation of the r nical and a it in vitro to obtain virus-free plants. S stem [api eded in stem led in d culturi grow sugarcane.pota mentstems of banans s have even solated single cells from plants ar ./ a)Fill in the blanks cec tists heir cell walls have been able to isolate naked pro Potato cell Tomato cell a membranes). Isolated protoplasts aed by plas etes of plants each having a desirable charac which can be further ETOW Opl are called somatic hybrids while auon wher s0matic hybridisation Tmagin orpotato, and then they aree rid plants combining tomato and tato charac ot have all the desired combination o cen achieved -resulting in form ation of tomat mmercial utilisation. Fusion ....(Name of the process) ...(Name of the plant) ii). Cevv deinmt T Term used to denote such plants) b) What benefits do biofortified crops offer to the society ? 2There are many animals that have become extinct in the wild, but continue to be maintained in Zoological parks

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