Out of horizons A,B,C and D of soil, which form the true soil?? PLEASE answer this question quickly

Dear student.

A and B horizons together make up the true soil.

Soil constitutes visibly, texturally, chemically and physically distinct layers which are referred as horizons. There are five soil horizons: O, A, B, C and R. 
O(Organic Matter)-It is a surface layer dominated by the presence of large amounts of organic material derived from dead plants and animal residue. It is generally absent in grassland regions and in forest areas it is referred as forest floor
A (Surface soil)-It is a topmost mineral horizon, also referred as 'top soil'. This Layer has the most organic matter accumulation. It is often coarser in texture and looses some of the finer materials by translocation to lower horizons and by erosion. The most biological activities occur in this layer. 
B (Subsoil)- It is mineral subsurface horizon and is also known as zone of accumulation. Materials that commonly gets accumulate are clay, aluminium, soluble salts, iron. This layer gets exposed when soil erosion takes place.
C(Parent Rock)-It is a layer of large unbroken rocks. The accumulation of soluble compounds takes place in this layer..
R(Bedrock)- This layer constitute the partially weathered bedrock  layer at the base of the soil profile. This layer of bedrock lies at the 50 feet of the other soil profiles. 


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