p- Dichlorobenzene has high boiling point than o,m dichlorobenzene

Dear Student,
In most of the cases melting point of para isomers are higher than ortho and meta isomers. Due to symmetrical structure of para isomer the molecule pack closely in crystal lattice. For this reason intermolecular force of attraction is higher than that of other so greater energy will be required for breaking the crystal lattice and the molecule will melt at higher temperature.
In the given question also para-dichlorobenzene is more symmetric in nature than that of ortho and meta isomer. It is also highly soluble in the solvent.
p-dichlorobenzene has zero dipole moment due to its symmetry.
For the above reasons paradichlorobenzene has high boiling point than ortho and meta isomer of dichlorobenzene.

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due to symmetry in structure of p dichlorobenzene , its arrangement of atoms is much stronger than o,m directing clrorine in chlorobenzene so its melting point is high than o,m Dichlorobenzene
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