'Paper has more patience than people’, when did this thought strike Anne and with what result?

Please answer the question in about 40-50 words .
My question is from the book 'First Flight' and from the chapter ' From the Diary of Anne Frank' 

Dear Student

Anne’s overpowering loneliness makes her realise that one could be lonely even when surrounded by the people they loved. She felt distanced from the rest of her family and was unable to communicate even though they were supportive and caring. The diary was like Anne's secret confidante with whom she not only shared the daily occurrences of her life but also her innermost thoughts and feelings.  Therefore, she believed that paper had more patience than people.


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Dear student,

According to Anne,paper is more patient than persons because the diary is a silent recorder of Anne's thoughts, non-judgmental and patient. People on the other hand rarely listen and constantly censure her whenever she talks. People are seldom interested in listening to the musings of a thirteen-year-old schoolgirl but a diary would not object or shut her up. It would patiently let her fill up its blank pages with her thoughts, observations and comments without judgement. This diary writing was an extremely personal and intimate act for her and she decided that she would not let anyone read it.

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