people who came to india as traders and later became ruler in middle age ?

Since the middle ages, many people have come to India and then became rulers. 

1. First to come were the Arabs from the 8th century onward. They first started trading with India's western coast and the north west. The Arabs conquered parts of modern day Pakistan and established their rule there.

2. From the 16th century onwards, European powers started to come to India as traders. First to come were the Portuguese. They started arriving after 1498 following the discovery of the sea route from Europe to India by Vasco da Gama. They first came as traders but established their rule in Goa and some other surrounding areas.

3. After the Portuguese came the Dutch, the French and the British. All came as traders. While the Dutch did not get to rule any significant territory in India, the French acquired control of Pondicherry and some other territories along India's east coast.

4. Of course, the most significant example of people who came as traders and became rulers of India are the British. The East India Company arrived as a company of traders in 1600. But through political machinations and military victories, they acquired political  control over most of India by the early 19th century. 


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