Pl.solve all worksheet.

Pl.solve all worksheet. 1. Edit this story. Underline the incorrect pronouns and write the correct pronouns. Lone ago, there was an old man sons were _ybgEg_ very lazy. He took they to his field who had not been sown for a long time. He told his sons that his ancestors, which belonged to the royal family, had buried their treasure in the field. The sons asked their father how them could get the treasure. The father replied that they only had to dig up the field In whom lay the treasure. The three sons dug up the field in three days. Them were disappointed. Because the treasure that themselves were looking for Was nowhere to be found 2. Fill in the blanks with the Abstract Nouns formed from the words given in the brackets. a. Solomon was famous for his (wise) b. Always speak the c. We all love d. The elephant has great e. Without health there is no f. I believe in her . (true) (honest) (strong)• (happy) . (innocent) g. I often think of the happy days of my h. A slave knows no i. She accepted our j. The headmaster gave him . (free) . (invite) (child). for telling a lie. (punish) 3. Fill in blanks with a, an or the. small town that I live in has = unive ity, hospital and board ing ii. Yest rday I saw _um_ one eyed man riding on horse. school. iii. boys of this school are very obedient. iv. Oliver Twist was _a_ little boy, who lived in _u_ orphanage. Mississippi and Ä_ Amazon are beauti I rivers. vi. Please give me book that is lying on table.

Long ago there was an old man himself sons were
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