Please answer all the questions as this read to context .
Chapter name
Weathering the storm in ersama
Book name

Please answer all the questions as this read to context . Chapter name Weathering the storm in ersama Book name Moments Weatnenng the storm •n Read tt• lg• given below the questions that Prut-wt. nine•en yess, deci&d to step in •s his if no one a Prashant? b he deede to in a •ader9 c. Deatbe the situation that make hrn take the decision of "der d. was the tung Prashart organ—d ow •s e Wrte any quaRy mat you .drnre Prash.nt Wtw?•

Dear Student
1) Prashant was a 19 year old boy 
2) He decided to step in as a leader because there was no one to take the position.
3) The heavy wind and rain and the flood which entered his friend’s house made him the leader.
4) He organised refuge camp on the roof till the situation calmed down .
5) The quality which I admire in Prashant is his leadership. He is a person with will power and determination. When flood came in the house, he took the initiative in organising a relief camp till the situation clams down.


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