Please answer E-4

Dear Student,

Your query has already been answered, I am posting the answer again for your reference:

Ans E, 4

a. Though some of the ministries that existed during the Mughal period still exist today as basic structure of governance remains the same irrespective of the time period. We may give example of agriculture, revenue administration, finance , even army.

b. However, we also witness a sharp contrast in the system of administration firstly with regard to the Legislature and executive bodies . In this period   king was at the helm of affairs , who not elected by the people, it was based on the hereditary rule, the throne passed on to the family members.   In the current political structure, we have a republic where  President  is elected and is the head  of the state ,  then the Prime Minister  who is the head of the government is elected by the people.Present India is characterised by democratic rule with power to the people .

c.  Administration in the Mughal period was looked after by the nobility, king's trusted people who had an advisory role.  In present political structure there is no nobility , rather there are elected council of ministers tasked with framing , implementing policies and there are bureaucrats who are selected through proper procedure, and who aid and assist the ministers.

d. Further, king was at the hem of affairs , delivering Jutsice. This is in sharp contrast with the system of justice and the Ministry of law , that governs the present system. There is a proper hierarchy of courts to deliver justice.

e. We may also give example of mansabdari system,  Mansabdar constituted the ruling class of the Mughal period. which  consolidated the Mughal nobility and the military personnel into a composite class. Their rank Rank and salary were determined by a numerical value called  zat ​.  And was given a  jagir  as part of their salary corresponding to the rank. There is no such mansabdari system in the present system.

 There are many reasons that can be attributed to such changes in governance:
  • Large country and area to be governed
  • Democratic system
  • Huge population
  • Complex societies


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plz snd the picture clearly
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it's simple. you can answer it very well if you read the text very well
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clear picture
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